Our Blog

This blog will show you a bit of what we are learning in 6th class here in Room 2. We will tell you about our projects and the exciting things that are happening in our class. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tomato Surprise

On Wednesday 16/03/11 we found about nine Tomato plants growing in our compost bag. It turns out that one of our classmates emptied the bag of Tomato seeds into the bag once we were finished planting. They grew well enough even without water and sunlight.They also were taller then any of our plants. Although these plants were taller they are also grew crooked. They don't stand as strong as ours.They also are not as green as ours because tomato plants have chlorophyll in them and chlorophyll makes the plant green but the plant also needs sunlight to gain colour. And because we have these few extra seedlings we have to decided to experiment we have put one in a cupboard but we are still going to water them, we took one out of the soil and we are now trying to grow it in cotton wool, we are going to leave one in the sunlight but we are not going to water it and we are going to leave one to grow as normal with the rest of ours.

1 comment:

  1. The experiment seems really interesting! I wonder what will happen to each plant. Im especially intrigued about the cotton wool experiment!
    :) Ellen :)
