Our Blog

This blog will show you a bit of what we are learning in 6th class here in Room 2. We will tell you about our projects and the exciting things that are happening in our class. Enjoy!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Click on these links to learn more about Europe.
If you come across any good websites for learning about Europe, be sure to leave the address in a comment for us all to use.

Countries game
Seas and oceans game
Mountains of Europe game
Some more Europe games These games are timed so let us know what your fastest time is!
Some quizzes based on Europe
CIA World Factbook
Some interesting facts about Europe

Good Luck!


  1. These are really good websites with interesting games and activities all the information on the websites are very helpful too!
    Ellen :)

  2. It's really fun learning about Europe by playing the games! :) :)

    Sara :)!

  3. http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/european-union/
    I found this website and it was really good and gave lots of interesting facts :)

  4. http://www.kidsgeo.com/geography-games/europe-map-game.php I found this website and it really fun you get to learn were abouts all the country's are in Europe :)
    Danielle O'N
