Our Blog

This blog will show you a bit of what we are learning in 6th class here in Room 2. We will tell you about our projects and the exciting things that are happening in our class. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our End-of-year Projects

This May, we researched, put together and presented projects on anything we wanted.
Here are some pictures of the ones that have been presented so far.
 Aideen's Project
 Jade made this bust of Martin Luther King for her project
Luke and Evan made these cars for their project
Danielle O'N's project
Sara and Dana brought in these to show us about their dancing
Hannah brought these in from her trip to Spain
Aideen made this ballerina
Ellen made this globe using Papier Maché
This is Ellen's project
Another picture of Ellen's project

Hannah's Project

Cian's Project

Jade's Project

Luke and Evan's Project

Sara and Dana's Project

Monday, May 30, 2011

Some more tomato news.

Some of the tomato plants have started to show signs of producing fruit. Keep an eye out here to see if we get any before the end of June.

Croke Park - Friday 27th May

Congratulations to all the boys in the class who got to the Cumann na mBunscoil Hurling Finals on Friday last. They played two great games, and unfortunately were narrowly beaten in the end. But everyone had a great day and they all did the school proud. Well done to all involved, and to their trainers: Mr. Ruane, Ms. McDermott and Ms. O'Brien. Well done to the camogie girls who did brilliantly this year too, and to Ms. McIntyre and Ms. Murray. Have a look at our photos from the day out!

Update on our Tomatoes

Over the Easter holidays we all brought our tomatoes home for two weeks. Sadly, Aideen's, Jade's and Thea's have all died but luckily we had spare tomato plants to give to them. We think they died because of green fly. Green flies are little flies that eat your tomato plant. They make the leaves turn brown and the leaves shrivell up and die. We bought a spray and it got rid of them.

After they got too big to be kept in the the yoghurt pots we transplanted them into 4 and a half inch pots. Some people's needed to be put into bigger pots than that. They have put theirs into 8 inch diameter pots. Most people have done that now. We have recently found out that our tomatoes might grow a couple of feet tall.

We have started giving our plants tomato food. Since then they have been growing well. Unfortunately one of them has died. The leaves have started to flatten out as they were curling up. They were curling up because they got too much water and they were too cold. We used to leave them in the tray full of water, but we found out that was not good for them, so we took off the tray and let the water drain off. We brought them in one weekend and that solved a lot of their problems too as they were warm. They also have not needed water in a while. Our plants used to have transparent dots on the leaves and white ones too, but now most of them have cleared up.

Kindly, Mr. Creaner gave us his tomato plant to mind that he bought in the shop. He has some tomatoes growing on his plant. Evan picked one off and ate the tomato. Some of our tomato plants have started to grow tomatoes, but they are not quite ripe or visible yet. We hope to have some before we leave school so we can eat them. We will be experimenting on some of the tomatoes.

Have a look at some of our tomato photos:

Here we are with our tomatoes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reading Month

We are trying to read 60 books between all of us this month. We have a chart in the classroom where we fill in the title of the book when we have read it. When we have finished the book, we leave a comment below saying:
1. The title of the book
2. The Author / Illustrator
3. A 7 sentence summary of the book (don't give away the ending!)
4. Who I would recommend this book for and why
5. Marks out of 10 and why

If you are not sure about which book to chose, check out these comments and see if any of them appeal to you. We have a similar one posted during April so you can get ideas from there too. Good Luck!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic

Take a look at the photographs below of the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic. See if you can name each person and write some facts you have learned or researched about each one. Post them in a comment, saying which picture is matched to which name, and what facts you have learned.

Picture One:

Picture Two:

Picture Three:

Picture Four: 

Picture Five:

Picture Six:

Picture Seven: 

The signatories are:
a) Padraig Pearse,
b) Eamonn Ceannt,
c) Thomas Clarke,
d) James Conolly,
e) Joseph Mary Plunkett,
f) Thomas Mac Donagh and
g) Sean Mac Diarmada.

Best of luck with matching them up!