Our Blog

This blog will show you a bit of what we are learning in 6th class here in Room 2. We will tell you about our projects and the exciting things that are happening in our class. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our End-of-year Projects

This May, we researched, put together and presented projects on anything we wanted.
Here are some pictures of the ones that have been presented so far.
 Aideen's Project
 Jade made this bust of Martin Luther King for her project
Luke and Evan made these cars for their project
Danielle O'N's project
Sara and Dana brought in these to show us about their dancing
Hannah brought these in from her trip to Spain
Aideen made this ballerina
Ellen made this globe using Papier Maché
This is Ellen's project
Another picture of Ellen's project

Hannah's Project

Cian's Project

Jade's Project

Luke and Evan's Project

Sara and Dana's Project